Monday, September 20, 2010

That's Why They Call Them Jugs!

This baby girl has me feeling like a soda fountain. She is constantly eating and since I'm breastfeeding exclusively I am constantly pulling my breast out in all types of settings. Yesterday I plopped my boob out in the waiting room at Stanford's Opthamology Clinic. My husband was impressed, in his words, "Gangster!" I really don't have a problem with someone seeing my boob but someone else might... Today we were at Costco and I had to change her in the bathroom. She was still wailing. I tried giving her a pacifier, but she is just not into those. So in the middle of the handicap stall, while standing, I pulled out my breast and started feeding her. I fed her for quite some time and it seemed to work for a little bit, but she was still hungry so I had to go out to the truck and leave my husband to finish the shopping.

Sometimes after she's done eating she almost looks drunk. The cute little silly smile creeps across her face and she give me that satisfied look, right before she belches and pukes on me! It's great when she burps, I was prepared for that and even some spit up, but the every once in a while full on upheaval of almost her whole meal, they don't really warn you about that in the books. Every time she does that (which is not very often so I am rarely prepared enough) I am amazed, I didn't even know she was drinking that much. Then she can got one of two ways, fussy or tired. Sometime she'll pass out right there on the tit.

Another thing they don't warn you about is the amount of laundry you'll have to be doing. Don't get me wrong the experts and websites and countless amounts of advice I have received all warned me that my little one would produce mounds of laundry, but they didn't tell me that a lot of it would be my clothes too that she spit up on or barfed on or projectile pooped on (that's a whole other story). We have done more laundry in the 6 weeks she's been born than the whole time I was pregnant.

I digress; I was talking about breasts and milk. They say that your boobs are gonna grow. Man they were not kidding I don't fit into any of my bras. I bought nursing bras pre-birth. Bad idea! They may have fit before, but once those suckers (haha pun intended) fill up with milk, it's like we magically were transported to an adult film set and we're doing a cover shot for the Jugs magazine. I never got it before. Why was Jugs a term of endearment for my breast? They aren't shaped like the jugs I've seen although I have learned that there are some jugs out there that are quite similar to the roundness of breasts. They reason is because they fill up with milk and they are heavy just like a milk jug when it's full.

Leave comments below on breastfeeding, boobs, parenthood, anything. Let me know what you want to read about. There is sooo much going on in brand spanking new parenthood, tell me about your experiences!

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