On the 27th of September I will be participating in the Step Out Against Diabetes Walk-A-Thon. I will be joining more than 100,000 fellow walkers from across the country in this year's Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes to raise money for the American Diabetes Association.
I will be gathering donations and walking to help stop diabetes. I am walking as a part of the weight watchers team.
I am asking for your help. By making a donation on my behalf, you will be helping the American Diabetes Association provide community-based education programs, protect the rights of people with diabetes and fund critical research for a cure.
Diabetes is a disease in which the body does not produce or properly use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy needed for daily life. The cause of diabetes continues to be a mystery, although both genetics and environmental factors appear to play roles. There are 23.6 million Americans living with diabetes, a disease that is outpacing heart disease, cancer and AIDS. If we don't act now, one in three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime.
I believe that my participation in this year's Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes can and will make a difference. Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes is one of the American Diabetes Association's biggest fundraisers. With the help of people like you, the American Diabetes Association can raise over $20 million to help stop diabetes.
Please help me reach my goal by supporting me for this year's Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes. Please click on the picture below to go to my personal Web page to make a secure, 100% tax deductible donation. You can also go to diabetes.org/stepout and search for me by name, Antoinette Roberts, or by team, weight watchers, and then find me. (If you do not want to donate online, please make your check payable to the American Diabetes Association and mail your contribution to me at 1701 Harbor Bay Parkway Suite 100, Alameda, Ca 94502.)
Together we can stop diabetes. One step at a time.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The County Fair and Pants
This Friday I had the first major test of my weight loss progress. The San Mateo County Fair!! At those types of event I normally can't leave without buying a big bag of kettle corn. I thought about not going at all, but I can't live my life hiding from everything tasty so I prepared for it, plus Boys II Men was also playing. It just so happened that weight watchers has a telepathic connection with me because there was an article about summer weight loss danger zones which included fairs. It had a listing of common fair foods and their point values. Some of them were shocking, like the turkey leg it is 27 points and the funnel cake, one of my amusement park weaknesses, is 12 points and I don't think that includes the strawberries and syrup that is normally on it. I printed out the list to keep on me at the fair. So as I was wandering around the fair smelling all the yummy smells I just pulled out my points list and repeated to myself, "it is not worth going over my daily points." I also brought some low calorie snacks with me, like the weight watchers cheddar twists. Sadly when we got there the auditorium was already full so the fire marshal wouldn't let anyone else in. We didn't see Boys II Men. We did get to see the pig races though.

I weighed in on Sunday and I lost another 2.8 pounds! Mike, my fiance, was so proud he bought me a present. It is a fancy water bottle and holder it also has places for my iPod, cell, and keys. It is awesome. I was tired of putting all that stuff in my bra. Have you ever noticed that women's workout pants rarely have any pockets, or at least the ones I have don't. You could always wear those swishy pants but then you make that swishing noise everywhere you go and there is the risk of starting a fire. Plus whenever I try to put my cell, iPod, and keys in the pocket, it's all so heavy that they start to sag. So basically I prefer the curve hugging stretchy pants or sweats and thats why all my paraphernalia ends up in my bra. Thanks to Mike I don't have that problem anymore.
I weighed in on Sunday and I lost another 2.8 pounds! Mike, my fiance, was so proud he bought me a present. It is a fancy water bottle and holder it also has places for my iPod, cell, and keys. It is awesome. I was tired of putting all that stuff in my bra. Have you ever noticed that women's workout pants rarely have any pockets, or at least the ones I have don't. You could always wear those swishy pants but then you make that swishing noise everywhere you go and there is the risk of starting a fire. Plus whenever I try to put my cell, iPod, and keys in the pocket, it's all so heavy that they start to sag. So basically I prefer the curve hugging stretchy pants or sweats and thats why all my paraphernalia ends up in my bra. Thanks to Mike I don't have that problem anymore.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The beginning
I began my most recent weight loss journey four weeks ago, since then I have lost 10.8 pounds. I started the weight watchers program on July 19th after hearing about the success one of my co-workers had had on the program before her wedding. I'm getting married in almost exactly one year and I hope to be healthier and in better physical shape than I am now by then. The co-worker I mentioned before has also started Weight Watchers back up and another co-worker has also joined. One of their key mottos is to track things. You track your food intake, you track your weight. They even suggest tracking your measurements and clothes sizes. I'm am tracking using their e-tools website and going to weekly meetings. I also want to track the differences in my physical appearance. I searched my computer and phone to find a good "Before" photo, but I realized that I don't have a single picture that is more than the shoulders up. So below there is the most recent picture of me I had on my computer. It is from the fourth of July this year so I figure that's close enough.

I had already started to make some changes. I knew I was overweight and I had started to be more conscious of it so I unconsciously had already started paying attention to what I was eating and maybe even losing some weight. Take a look at the difference between one month ago and in February of this year (See Picture Below).

Tell me what you think, had there already been some weight loss? If not oh well there are two picture to compare as before photos. Keep coming back and you can see my progress.
I'm not ready to post my weight here yet, for the whole world to see, but probably once I lose more I'll spill the beans. I will tell you that I am very close to my first goal which is to lose 5% of my original weight from when I joined Weight Watchers. I have also been using the Nintendo Wii to weigh myself in between weekly weigh ins, From Sunday to Wednesday morning I lost 0.7 pounds. I have to celebrate the little victories! I'd like to loose at least 2 pounds a week. That means I should reach my goal weight in about 41 weeks, that is just enough time to buy a wedding dress. If you are smart and good at math you can probably figure out how much I weigh with all the information I gave you, and you thought you'd never use algebra in real life! LOL! Well I hope you see less of me next time!
I had already started to make some changes. I knew I was overweight and I had started to be more conscious of it so I unconsciously had already started paying attention to what I was eating and maybe even losing some weight. Take a look at the difference between one month ago and in February of this year (See Picture Below).
Tell me what you think, had there already been some weight loss? If not oh well there are two picture to compare as before photos. Keep coming back and you can see my progress.
I'm not ready to post my weight here yet, for the whole world to see, but probably once I lose more I'll spill the beans. I will tell you that I am very close to my first goal which is to lose 5% of my original weight from when I joined Weight Watchers. I have also been using the Nintendo Wii to weigh myself in between weekly weigh ins, From Sunday to Wednesday morning I lost 0.7 pounds. I have to celebrate the little victories! I'd like to loose at least 2 pounds a week. That means I should reach my goal weight in about 41 weeks, that is just enough time to buy a wedding dress. If you are smart and good at math you can probably figure out how much I weigh with all the information I gave you, and you thought you'd never use algebra in real life! LOL! Well I hope you see less of me next time!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Craft Hiatus
I have been on a temporary crafting hiatus because of the recent move. We moved from Oakland to Fremont and I have been so busy with the move and decorating that I haven't had a chance to finish any projects. I just restarted finishing my first knuckle glove. So far I think it will just be one hand.

I will post more pictures when they are finished.
I will post more pictures when they are finished.
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